Wanting to give some love to those who have featured my work recently…
FeaturedThis week Utah Bride Blog shared one of my sweetest and most intimate weddings this year, (click here to view). Today, Let the Kids is sharing one of my all-time favorite family sessions, (click here to view). And last month, Sarah of Honey of a Thousand Flowers invited me to photograph some of her seasonal flora inspiration, which was shared on Ruffled, here, here and here. Much love to the blogs, but more importantly to those who invite me in to share their lives… thank you!

    Heather, you are the best. Thank you for all the beautiful, amazing photos you have given us. Seriously, I still get a little teary eyed every time I see Adelae's birth story (I hear the music in my head which makes it even more special). Thank you for capturing every moment so beautifully. Especially with kids, those moments pass so quickly and I am so grateful for the ones you have captured. Thank you!