About 17 months ago my dear friend Jessica Kettle gave birth to a little girl named Lucy. During this moment I was landing in Salt Lake City from Houston and I just missed it. I was so upset that I missed it, that upon finding out she was pregnant again 10 months later, (true story), I knew I would be there… needless to say, I may have shown up a wee bit early, but twelve hours later Miss Viv made her debut. Joined by both her maternal and paternal Grandmothers, her Aunt and her Daddy, (stricken with the flu, I might add), she was welcomed into this world. This is her story.[audio:https://heathernanphoto.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/03-Track-3.mp3]salt lake city birth photography (1)salt lake city birth photography (2)salt lake city birth photography (3)salt lake city birth photography (4)salt lake city birth photography (5)

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    Incredible work Heather!!

    Such a beautiful post! You are so talented at this. It made me want another baby! And Jessica, way to go on all natural!!

    These pictures are amazing. So, so emotional.

    Beautiful work here Heather!!

    Oh all the pics just made me cry! Beautiful work Heather! I wish I had you here (right now – I am due on Sat) to take pictures of our experience. Brought back a flood of memories. Dr. J J delivered Maria (my little girl) 3 years ago.
    Congratulations to your friend. What a great memory to share =)
    Hope you are well Heather.
    Love your site.

    That was just captured perfectly…I felt like I was there (and I have two kids, so I know what that feels like). So good!!!

    Absolutely beautiful. I never cry at pictures, but the combination of the music and the photos sent me over the edge. šŸ™‚

    Wow,Heather! This is so beautiful!! It told a complete story for me from beginning to end. Bravo on capturing such a beautiful story.

    What an honour to capture such a special time – and your photographs more than do it justice. Amazing.

    What a beautiful birth story you captured for them!

    Was that a fistpump of victory from the lucky momma? Hah! Loved this photo story. So real and so sweet.

    Two of my favorite things in te while World, natural birth and Heather Nan <3 always amazed, great work!!

    These are such gorgeous moments that the family is going to love forever. Beautiful.

    Wow so many images! Great job capturing such an intimate story.

    What a gift! I don’t even know this family and I am so touched by these images!! They are gorgeous.

    Wow! This is some great documentary work.

    Wow, what a beautiful story told with these images! This takes me back to the birth of my little girl, Lily. I too went natural, and seeing her on the ball and surrounded by those she loved really reminds me of my labor! Just beautiful!

    Beautiful, beautiful moment… you captured it so perfectly. I cried šŸ™‚ Birth is beautiful, so worth every minute of pain… this family will treasure these photos forever.

    So great that you get to capture the story of this beautiful baby’s birth. I’m sure her family is grateful for these images. Well done!

    Amazing! What sweet moments.

    this is so incredibly beautiful. you captured it perfectly.

    Such special sweet moments and you captured them perfectly!

    Wow. Such special moments. Just wow.

    heather, this was just beyond gorgeous. seriously got a little teary eyed. this whole post blew me away. you are so amazing, loved every single shot. i could feel the emotion in each. just beautiful!

    Such a beautiful set of images… you captured her birth in a very touching, real and emotional way. I love that mama looks to be cheering immediately following… so awesome.

    AMAZING…such a touching post Heather! Woooow.

    Heather, your work is seriously amazing. This entire post blew me away. So emotional and touching. You capture the events of this day perfectly. I bow down!

    wow, I didn’t think I’d be able to stomach that, but I actually loved it. what an amazing thing for her to have record of. beautifully done. (both of you!)